the Tays and their kids jokes

They have 2 very intelligent boys Yixuan (4) and Jiexuan (2) and shared with us some of their real-life family jokes with us over dinner just now:
Sharon:(to the son Jiexuan) it's time for bed now. it's very late now, look at the clock, it TELLS you the time that is is very late already
Son (JX): mummy, dont bluff, the clock has NO MOUTH, it cannot TALK. one
Sharon: no JX, no lollies now. if not i will give you a spank.
JX, angrily : Ok, give me a spank.
one more I couldnt recall now, will find out and blog it later. time for bed now.
OK more jokes:
Sharon was worried about little Jiexuan playing alone upstairs at a friend's place, so she shouted to him "Son, dont play upstairs. I cant SEE you".
JX: Turn on the lights, mum.
one more:
one day, Jiexuan was playing with Yixuan and they were reading a book on flags. So, Yixuan pointed out his younger brother the flags of Singapore, Australia and they saw the Phillipines flag too. So, Yixuan told him that their former domestic maid Lina is in the Phillipines now. Jiexuan looked intently into the flag and then after a while of intense looking, said "I cant see Lina at all"........cute isnt it?
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