Sunday, June 11, 2006

Our Perfect Mate - article from The New Paper

This article extracted from The New Paper online:

The Great Singapore Sale is on and in case you World Cup befuddled blokes have forgotten, it is the women'sporting event. We ask 40 women between the ages of 20 and 40 what shopping means to them and what they want their men to do during this all-important season.

1. During The Great Singapore Sale (GSS) my man should:
a. Just give me his plastic, no questions asked (27.5%)
b. Follow me and just pretend he likes the entire experience (5%)
c. Just stay at home. This event is for me and the girls (55%)
d. Do nothing. It's the World Cup and nothing short of wild horses will drag him from the television (12.5%)

2. While going from one store to another looking for the perfect bargain I would prefer if my man would:
a. Keep me company - I always need a second opinion (17.5%)
b. Stay in the mens section. He doesn't have a clue what looks good on me (10%)
c. Do something useful like hang out at the cafe or a library (22.5%)
d. Just watch the World Cup (50%)

3. Should shopping be a shared experience with your man?
a. Yes, it's about spending quality time while spending all his money (17.5%)
b. No, all he does is moan and groan. Who wants to shop with Oscar the Grouch? (47.5%)
c. Yes, I need somebody to carry all the bags while I forage for more bargains (27.5%)
d. My man loves shopping more than me (7.5%)

4. What would you think about your man if he loves shopping more than you?
a. We can become the Super Twins of shopping (20%)
b. Hmmm, maybe he is not interested in my gender (25%)
c. Great. At least we can split up the shopping duties (10%)
d. Wonderful. He can shop while I get a pedicure (45%)

5. If your man prefers shopping online to shopping with you:
a. Oh no, I am dating a geek (20%)
b. Wonder if he'll help me get some great bargains? (30%)
c. Is that where he gets all those horrible presents? Time to pull the plug (7.5%) d. Whatever... as long as he is not shopping for porn (42.5%)

6. After a hard day at the GSS I would like my man to:
a. Make me dinner, put on my favourite film and give me a foot massage (37.5%)
b. Stay away from me. Who needs to hear how much money I have 'wasted' shopping (15%)
c. Get me to a spa, especially if I spent the day shopping for him (17.5%)
d. Do nothing (30%)

7. What kind of shopper is your man?
a. Killjoy shopper - he complains about the cost of everything (27.5%)
b. Shopper on a mission - he seeks value, convenience and an efficient shopping experience (40%)
c. Shopper with zeal - any and all types of shopping, he's game for it (5%)
d. Butterfly shopper - shopping is one big social event for him (27.5%)

8. Men and shopping are like:
a. Chalk and cheese - terrible combination (27.5%)
b. A fantastic combination - more men are into shopping anyway (5%)
c. An awkward combination - men tolerate it for their women (27.5%)
d. Nothing - they should just watch the World Cup and leave it to women to shop for them (40%)

9. Do men and women shop differently:
a. Yes - men are soulless shoppers, too efficient and clinical (27.5%)
b. No - if both genders like something, the decision is easy (27.5%)
c. Yes - for men it's about the product. For women it's about the experience (27.5%)
d. No - it always comes down to money and how much you are willing to spend (17.5%)

10. At next year's GSS, I will do this for my man:
a. Get him a hobby while I shop. (27.5%)
b. Bookmark all my favourite online shopping sites on his computer(25%)
c. Get him a pet (10%)
d. Nothing. After all, I spent a month tolerating the World Cup (37.5%)

Good Stuff. Love It!


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