Monday, May 08, 2006

Love Thy Neighbour

I took the opportunity to take a pic of the Reids (Ivan, Happy and Christian) when they popped by this evening to return my Corningware (for I had earlier in the day passed some Mee Rebus to them).

It was in an extraordinary way how we met them. Almost bizarre in a sense. On 29 May 2005, we held a garage sale to get rid of all the unwanted items in the house. Towards the end of that day, this family walked past our house. Husband, wife and baby in the pram. At first, hubba started talking to Ivan. As the conversation flowed, Ivan sort of revealed that he was half Singaporean and left Singapore for UK when he was 10. Out of curiosity, I then queried him on where he lived before he left. When he blurted out St. Michaels Rd, I almost could not believe my own ears. Then we found out that he lived on No. 8 just before Jln Taman while I lived at No. 21. The next unbelievable thing was that we actually went to the same kinder at St. Michael's Church. But he was 2 years my senior and so, wouldnt have met him at all.

Fast forward now, we live in the same suburb and just 3 streets away. So, we are back to being neighbours once again. Only this time, the location has changed 3500 miles away from Singapore to Melbourne. We have thus grown to be very close to this family as we all share the love to cook and eat good food. They were here when I held the Popiah Party last August. And we have been invited over to their place a few times for sumptuous Korean food prepared by Happy. YUMMILICIOUS!!!

I hereby raise a toast to our friendship. Cheers to you the Reid family!

Footnote: At the same garage sale, we also got to get acquainted with the Lims, also from Singapore, who lives just down the street from us and whom we invited over for the Steamboat dinner few nights ago. What a bonding right away since we all hail from the same country.


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