Saturday, May 06, 2006

steamboat and singapore politics

today being Polling Day in Singapore, I decided to call my neighbour, also from Singapore, to come over for a steamboat dinner with us and the Yuans who are staying with us for these 2 nights.

after a frenzied day shopping for, yes again, more food (it seems like I am doing endless and mindless rounds of food shopping). yet again, this seems prefectly normal for a housewife like me to run and feed the family.

anyway, back to the main point, the Lims popped by with a bottle of vino and home made sambal belachan chilli (hot!hot!!hot!!!). Then, it was conversation time - with 3 of us Singaporeans (Lims and myself) facing a Hong Kong born Australian citizen and 2 Malaysian born Australian citizens. Plus the 4 Aussie kids of course.

Mr Lim, after all an ex-civil servant, in his true Singaporean manner, started the roll about Singapore politics, Singapore government and the Singaporean way of life. He kept lamenting the fact that he is serving his "jail-term" here in Australia is such a waste of his time and energy who could have been channeled to helping the disadvantaged in his ward in Singapore. and he actually knew the PM!!! "It is the government that makes us Singaporeans proud for what they have done for the country". "Singapore cannot afford to be foolish and waver as it is such a small country - it is just so fragile". For once, I feel proud to be Singaporean. And it went on and on. I thought I was at a PAP rally. Well, we'll await the polling results. Good luck.

Update: a check on The Straits Times Interactive was a podcast of the efficacy on the voting system and a newly married couple who made their way to their polling station. A call to my parents was a bigger revelation to me: they both casted their votes on PAP! speak of better times? maybe. I am running late to bother about the polling results now. I am sure, I can catch some more news tomorrow somewhere somehow sometime through that someone somebody.

while writing this, a gust of strong squally winds are whooshing their way through the trees making its presence felt even stronger in a otherwise quiet neighbourhood.

night night - time for bed. totally zapped of energy.

music - baroque please.


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