dinner food

I must be really bored to keep on posting about food. But nervertheless, this is something I really enjoy - cooking, presenting and eating them.
Was out shopping for more foodstuff today. Came home without the prawns and spring onions. Managed to buy most of the other stuff needed.
Chopped up the water chestnuts and added them to the left over taro, pork and carrot mixture from yesterday and managed to squeeze 13 rolls to be deep fried.
Also, bought Yong Tau Foo - had them deepfried and steamed and made a thick sauce with garlic and black beans and garnished with coriander and roasted sesame seeds.
The only flip today I had was : a parking ticket fine of $50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was overdue by a good 30 minutes coz the daughter wanted to do a wee in the toilet and I got stuck in Missha. reckon it will be a good excuse to plead for a waiver? (well sir/madam, I had only 50 cents with me and that was why........nah....haha...anyway....we'll see)
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