Proud Mum

I am indeed a very proud and happy mum today. Is this an early Mother's Day pressie for me from my son this year? hmmmmm...would love to think so. What happened today was, at the morning school assembly this morning for the whole of the prep and primary section at DCC, Mr Grace (the head of primary) called out Theo's name because he was awarded a Congratulatory cert "for remembering all of the single phonogram sounds" and signed off by his prep form teacher, Mrs Soutter. He told me only he and another girl by the name of Eliza got this award.
I mean he speaks no English at home coz I speak to him in Mandarin while hubba speaks to him in Cantonese, but he could still pick up the "right" phonic sounds in order for him to read English. In all honesty, I mean, it is no mean feat for this little guy here. Oh yes, he has been correcting hubba's English pronunciation of late.
Happy Mother's Day (I know it is still early) - heyyy, but it is to I, me and myself. hehe....cheers. and I want to add this: I'm proud of you son!!!
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