I'm back
sorry guys I take my word back. I still have the wordpress blog but I have difficulties uploading photos onto it.
now with blogger I can have my photos loaded with absolute ease just that there are no paragragphs and that makes it very difficult to read on.
is there a perfect host out there for blogs where it is easy to post your blog, upload photos, add plug-ins like a tagboard and other good stuff etc. Please let me know.
anyway, I wont write too much today as I am really tired. It was straining day - really. Tessa was up to no good with her meals and her behaviour. and then she threw up. so I cleaned up.
many minutes later, my son threw up. and it was a stinking mess on the bed. Imagine all the hard work I had to put in to clean up and wash him and the laundry as well.
that's it, I am going to bed. nite.
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