Happy Mommy's Day
This day, being the dedicated day to all mums, is a very special one and a very happy one at best.
We kickstart the day by going to church. Theo was, together with the Sunday school kids, up on stage and performing the song "Mummy, you are my superhero" - better than Spiderman, better than Batman, better than Superman, anyhow, that we are better than all these other screen super heroes.

Then it was off to our weekly IKEA fellowship in the afternoon. However, we ended up at Jamaica Blue for coffee within the same vicinity of the shopping compound. By this time, we met into the Alan, Sharon and their 2 sons and subsequently Leslie, his wife and daughter Zoe (who had just arrived from KL last night). And we got to know the Singaporean owner of the joint Monica who came here 2 years ago and took over and turnaround this franchise for over a year.
By late evening, the Ngus, Yuans, Tehs, Julia and Nabil and ourselves decided that our dinner will be at KAYU Nasi Kandar, the relatively new restaurant in Box Hill we have been wanting to try. So, there we were - 9 adults with 9 kids and 1 infant, what a strong continent we made our presence felt in the restaurant.

I tell ya, the food was so so good and the prices so reasonable, I vouch that I am going back very very soon again. We had nasi kandar with curry fish, roti telur (egg), fried chicken wings and you must try this- ROTI TISU!!! Yummilicious!!!

everybody enjoyed their dinner there and we thought maybe we should change our IKEA fellowship to this restaurant instead. Yah, we live just 5 minutes drive away from it. Whoo-hooh.
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