Welcome Friends from Singapore

we welcome our friends Pauline & Steven, who had flown overnight from Singapore, in our midst as they will be staying with us during their trip here except when they venture to the regional attractions in the next few days.
It's funny how our friendship developed between Pauline and myself. I got to know her through Keren. When the both of them came to Melbourne in 2003, they stayed over with us for a few nights. At that time, mum was here to help with my confinement after Tessa's birth. And so I took the opportunity to go shopping, had a all girls outing and as well, a dinner at Nam Fong in the city. Funnily enough though, Keren and I have sort of lost much contact whilst I still keep in constant contact with Pauline first through her many encouraging emails and later her blog. And it was her who started me blogging too. I can say, it's one of the best things I have ever undertaken. Thanks Pauline.
We decided to do Vietnamese tonight and settled well and truly at Tien Dat in BoxHill. All of us enjoyed the fellowship and meal together and it was definitely a great bonding time for us all, including the kids.

*on a side note* - when Keren came to visit us in 2000, we brought her along to Jonathan Ngu's to pick up some sleeping bags because we were all going to the easter camp. right there at the doorstep, they (Jonathand and Keren) were shocked to see each other coz they had been close ex-colleagues before in the their heydays at Compaq. Amazing, in a bizarre sense, of these webs of friendship being weaved and formed.
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