Wednesday, July 26, 2006


i decided today, after picking Tessa up from kinder, that I want to go shopping. and I called Sharon along. but before, we decided to do lunch. yum-cha was something i havent done for a while since Jessie and Godfrey came and left. and i have been craving for yummy egg tarts. so, Golden Dragon Palace seems the right choice since it is the nearest one from kinder as well as from Sharons's abode (well actually, they are both in the same suburb and just a few streets away from each other).

upon arriving, i actually got to meet Dina, the American mum of Ben, who happens to be Theo's ex-classmate and Tessa's current friend, who was there with their extended family members. also, we sat next to Jo and Alan, the lovey dovey parents of James & Justin, again friends from kinder.

anyway, food was good, the ambience even nicer - one of the best Chinese restaurants with grandeur, style and good food. heard that the owner is a filthy rich Indonesian Chinese dealing with timber and which explains the intricately and exquisitely carved timber sculptures and wall hangings in the restaurant. and yes, the egg tarts melted like butter in my mouth although it tasted a tad milky (read: fishy) for my liking.

right after that we hit the mall - yes, we made the dash to, no, not Myer, but to the supermarkets - Aldi, Safeway and Coles!!! Yes, yes, that is what shopping is about for me. I buy food since I cant afford to buy anything else here. *so sad*

can you believe it? we spent the whole afternoon at the 3 supermarkets scouring the best bargains and offers and i came back a full trolley load and a damage on the credit card bills of $150 with no small change left.

and we went in there bright and came out dark - the skies i mean.

*side note* - Tessa is now kicking a fuss again. I dont know what has been wrong with her. anyway, hubba is trying to settle her. I'd better go hide myself under the quilt. nite.


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