Something NEW About Me
Maybe I should change my profile ABOUT ME to the following:
About Me

Melbourne, AU
"I am a stay home mum (who DOES NOT like to stay at home) and I love to cook but my kids (& hubba too) DO NOT appreciate it. I love good food but my kids (& hubba too) DO NOT like to eat. I LOVE to shop but I live in Australia where the tax rate is so high and things are so expensive, I CANNOT AFFORD to shop.
Besides running a family and home, I dabble in a little bit of graphics (and enjoying it), I blog (and enjoying it too), I run errands for hubba’s business (like making a trip to ulu Park Orchards to collect payment & banking), being an English tutor (correcting the grammar & spelling in hubba's reports because I'm from Singapore and he's from HK - every single pun intended) and as well, being the receptionist to all incoming calls for the business - "Hello. Good morning/afternoon. Rptecture" (not just with a flat tone, must be with intonations!)
I hail from Singapore (as I already said) and I like to be surrounded by good people still.
This is my style. my life!
maybe my style. no life!
or no style.mylife!
...ok, ok there you have it - no style. no life!"
This is my acerbic wit, everything else remains the same.
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