Saturday, November 04, 2006

story of a man and his cars

Once upon a time, an employed man decided he needed a car for his new family. And so, he went out and bought a T brand C Model car despite the objection from his wife that the mileage was high and it was a manual car. "Manual cars are cheaper and is more fuel efficient" was his argument and he won.

A few years later, the same man, now a businessman, decided that he needed another car for business needs and went on to buy another car. This time round, it was yet again another T brand C model car ,however, this time it being a brand new model and an auto gear one at best. "Because I get a fleet discount was his argument" for getting the auto car despite what he had argued previously.

Why would you need 2 cars of the same make and model is what other people have frequently asked. "I like the brand and they are good cars" was his explanation this time.

And all these while, his wife was treated with a "deaf ear" and without considering her "existence".

However, due to family circumstances, the wife had to leave the country and the man was left with 2 cars. The wife told him to sell 1 of the car as it was not going to be used for the next few years. The man agreed.

A few weeks later, the man could not decide which car to sell. He reasoned that if he were to sell the new car, he would get more returns than selling the older car. However, he would then make huge losses either way on both cars than what he had originally paid for.

He then decided to keep the both cars instead of selling them because he could not bear to suffer the huge losses.

The wife's reasoning was to put to deaf ears again this time. The wife had said that the money could be channeled to the mortgage account to help reduce the mortgage loan and interests.

The man decided on his stand still that he would not buy anymore new cars in the future because of the depreciation factor of owning and buying a car. He would keep both cars for the next few years until the wife returns at the expense of his wife's objections. She had also reasoned that the interest rates on home loans were rising again and there was no point in keeping a car and not using it while still having to pay car insurance and registration fees amounting to over a thousand dollar per year.

Moral of the story ? -

"Dont be penny wise but pound foolish"

"if you dont want to listen to your wife, dont marry"

"if you cannot afford a car, dont buy one"

"if you cannot afford a car, you cannot afford anything else"

"even if you can afford a car, dont by one. buy a diamond instead"


At Wed Nov 08, 10:13:00 AM 2006, Blogger clownfish said...

Hey, that man sounds like one of my friends! I think I know the wife too. If I were him (let's call him Mr V), I will sell both cars and go after his wife (let's call her Mrs E). I know V will lose a lot of money by selling the cars, but it is negligible comparing to losing E. #-) BTW, was T for Toyota and C for Camry?

At Fri Nov 10, 09:44:00 AM 2006, Blogger clownfish said...

I am so sorry to post my comments about my view that upsets the man and his 2 cars. My sincere apologies. Please understand that this is my personal view only. Don't take my view too seriously!


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