spring is here!!!
Spring is finally here.
Today being the 1st of September 2006. And it was a glorious 23 degrees weather day. And I still vividly remembered whining about skipping the month of August and jumping straight to September and, can you believe it, it is here. It is finally here. I'm sorry August - you didnt fare too badly though. Thousand apologies.
But with Spring weather comes hayfever, with which comes non-stop sneezing and an itchy palette. AND with it comes blotchy skin and a sore nose. Plus downright irritability. And I had but to pop Telfast this morning and hey, the sneezing and the itchy palette has all but disappeared. Gone. Just because I took a pill. Right, I am toxing my body with chemicals. What else can I do? I don't know.
And so, hubba has gone to Aloha Land. Yes, again ! I can imagine him sipping Mai Tai under swaying coconut trees and dancing to the rhythmic bodily movements of the Hula dancers. nah..he's probably tucking into THAT Japanese food in THAT popular and famous Japanese restaurant in Honolulu where bumping into dignitaries and celebrities are the norm rather than the exception. I could not help but recall from my memory bank that I remembered I COULD NOT tuck into any of the tantalising and very appealing sashimis laid right in front of my very own eyes, stirring my temptation, but could not eat them because I was pregnant then. 6 years ago. I should have insisted on going with him this time. well, too late. there's always a next time isnt it?
Anyway, he's there for Candy's wedding (Good on ya, Candy) who is, of course, my sister-in-law and his sister. Date set is this Sunday and it's a beachside Hawaiian wedding. how romantic. and to think her 4th finger is wearing that 1.5 carat diamond ring set in platinum and that will glitter and shimmer under that Hawaiian sun ray to the extent it might bounce you off your feet and cause instant blindness to those eyes that are so seethed with envy (like mine?). Dont ask why her name is called Candy and not lolly, polly or dolly. Candy is fine and dandy.
Oh yes, on this first spring day, I went to the dentist. Dr John Chen - he's from Singapore. And had 2 fillings done. and I hope not more to come. but which is very unlikely because I dont know what has happened to me - since coming to Australia, I have taken to the liking of sweet food - chocolates, lollies, ice creams, gelatos, cakes and what have you. I have developed the sweet tooth. (maybe there were other better things to eat in Singapore than such things aforementioned like Japanese cheesecake, takoyaki, nonya kuihs, kuih tutu (mmmmmmmm), soon kueh, crystal dumplings, tau huay and the list goes on. anyway, today, I went to Coles and I bought 3 bars of the newly launched Heaven chocolates that was on special. It was available in honeycomb, hazelnut caramel and almond nougat. AND I had to have them all. Because. Because I like them all. Look out Elaine - your tummy is bearing the brunt of all these snacks and cravings. Call it gluttony. AND IT IS A SIN.
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