this week
things took a 180 degrees turn this week.
Pauline and Steven left for their trip on Monday. and it was good thing. while they were away, we have been having sleepless nights. Tessa caught the bug from Theo and developed a fever, tummy ache and diarrhoea while in the meantime, Theo got over his bout of the virus. Tessa, being as she is (read: spoilt), whinged and cringed over the slightest little ache she had. and every night withouit fail, she would whine.
and last evening, my health had taken the toll, a thumping headache developed and as much as I would like to avoid it, I sought the help of Nurofen to relief it. that means Theo was unbathed (read: dirty) - he had come home from art class with paint on his nose amd mouth (resembling a 小花猫). i told him to be a good boy as mummy's sick and he duly got changed and brushed his teeth and went to bed by 8pm. oh, he's such a darling.
but Tessa had in the middle of the night, poohed in her pants, cried non-stop about her physical woes and retched. and hubba had to attend to her as i was too sick to do anymore.
this morning i woke up feeling shivery cold. it's official - i caught the bug from the kids. damn.
poor you, happened to my family as well whenever someone is sick. Thank God for the past 12 months, no one has got really sick in my family. When it comes to sickness, I would say the wife is the most important person. If she is sick, the house will be upside down and I had to take leave. Agree?
agree! thank God Vincent works from home!!!
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