Wednesday, September 13, 2006


I did not want to put this down but I have to say it - yes, my tiny puny scrawny little princess Tessa has fallen ill again since Monday.

Our GP Dr G is getting very worried and has ordered a urine test as well as a blood test for her. So, I have to make 3 appointments with the Royal Childrens' Hospital - both Theodore and Tessa has to see a ENT specialist (yes, I have been advised to send Theo to the ENT specialist coz the school nurse found his waxy ears affecting his hearing and as for Tessa, to have her ears re-examined and arrange for a surgey date) and as well, a blood test for Tessa.

Besides having a temperature, she was again complaining of a tummy ache and the doc found her to have sinus and even prescribed antibiotic for her this time (again!!!)as well as a nasal spray for the sinus condition.

I dont' know what to say, but I feel fatigued and worndown. My bedtime retreat has now been brought forwarded to 10ish. Anything later than that hour and I cannot function. And that is one reason why I have not been blogging much.

The other reason is because I have a whole pile of books and magazines to devour. All the way from the US, I have Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, Cosmopolitan, Vanity Fair and Gourmet magazines to read in addition to the New Idea magazine I bought this week which featured Steve Irwin on their front cover. And then I have 3 more chapters to read in The Spirit Filled Temperament.

I cant believe it, I am dozing off as I am writing this. I'd better tuck to bed now. Sweet Dreams.


At Thu Sep 14, 10:27:00 AM 2006, Blogger Mamabliss said...

Put your trust, hope and faith in our Lord... during tough times, He's every step behind you... once you've weathered through it, His glory will be seen... no mountain too huge He cannot move it... no problem too tough He cannot resolve it...

You and your family is constantly in our prayers... :)

At Thu Sep 14, 05:06:00 PM 2006, Blogger Elaine Choi said...

Thanks Pauline. I need a break!!!


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