recounting the days from Jan to Mar

As I was saying, I couldnt believe how time flies. I'd better start to recount the days since the beginning of 2006 -
January - Singapore. A month that was so full of events ! - birthdays, catching up with old friends, eating out, shopping, moving house, Chinese New Year...................
Jan 1 - New Year's Day. Having just arrived into Singapore the night before, we spent the whole day recuperating at my parents' place.
Jan 2 - celebrated my brother Jeremy's and Theodore's bday as it happened that this year both their bdays fell on the same day in the different calendars.
Jan 19 - we bade farewell to 21 St Michael's Rd. The enbloc sale for St Michael's Court finally went ahead. This was the place I grew up in before moving to Australia in July 1998. Was sad but at the same time glad. The location was great but the facilities wasn't.
Jan 20 - First day at new place. We ALL love it. Pool view, great facilities and all except for the location.
Jan 28 - Chinese New Year's Eve. We had steamboat dinner. I even bought "poon choy" from Crystal Jade at Ngee Ann City.
Jan 29 & 30 - Well, I wore my burgundy red cheong-sam bought from Madame Butterfly but gosh, it was so hot. I prefer my baby pink mphosis dress anytime but only to be spoilt by a tartar sauce spill thanks to well, Tessa, who else.
And yes, Jeremy's friend bought "yu-sheng" for us to "lo-hei" !
31 Jan - I organized a BBQ at the pit downstairs and invited most friends over and had a jolly good time catching up and meeting before we head back to Melbourne soon.
February - part Singapore part Melbourne
Feb 3 - Friends from Melbourne came for a 1 night stopover and stayed with us. Julia arrived first at 5pm and the kids and I went to pick her up at the airport. Went to Crystal Jade xiaolongbao restaurant for dinner. It was yummy ! Couldnt believe Tessa ate so much that night, in fact she had total in all 5 xiaolongbao in addition to the noodles and other stuff we ordered. Met Lee Chyi at CityHall MRT. This girl needed no introduction to Singapore as she was from nearby JB while growing up and used to visit Singapore umpteen times. We then went to the Singapore River HongBao at the Esplanade. Mum, dad and kids went home first and we girls proceeded to Boat Quay for a drink at Coffee Bean.

Feb 4 - Lee Chyi and Julia came back from town just before we were to proceed to the airport with "yu-sheng". This was from a Japanese restaurant and was, in my opinion, better than the one we had bought from a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. Due to a full flight on SQ237, we could not get onto the flight despite trying at the airport and had to return home. I was really grateful though to the Singapore Airlines airport manager at the check-in counter who could get us 3 seats despite the heavily booked flights out of Singapore the next night. phew !
Feb 5 - visited my cousin Corinne at KK who had delivered a pair of twin girls at 2 month's prematured. Thank God for their safe delivery. Left Singapore finally on SQ227. Couldnt bear to leave my ageing parents.
Feb 6 - My world exploded.
Feb 7 - Theo's 1st day at prep at Donvale Christian College.
the rest of Feb - couldnt really be bothered with what's what and all's all. as I said, my world exploded.
March - Life in Melbourne
Mar 1 - Tessa's 3rd birthday. And she started kinder at Kalker Montessori. She was already familiar with Rani and Barbara and therefore adjusted very well to the environment, in fact, she was taking on to the tasks and activities like she already knew!. Thanks to Jane who was so helpful to guide her along. She was just so sweet teaching her, guiding her like a little big sister. That night ,I made a simple birthday cake and together with grandma and grandpa in Singapore, thanks to Skype and technology and the webcam, we celebrated her bday realtime with them.
Mar 4 - We combined a birthday party celebration at Playdays together with our neighbour Ivan and Happy to celebrate their son Christian's 1st birthday party and Tessa's. It was Tessa's 1st party celebration after all and I was glad I pushed ahead with the plans to have a party for her.
Mar 10 - start of Term 1 school holiday !...grrrrrrr
Mar 15 - Commonwealth Games - love the fireworks and the flying tram !
Mar 17 - went shopping at Chadstone with Florence and her 2 kids.originally planned to go either bowling or to the movies, however, we ended up shopping heaps. and yes, with kids in tow! hmmm, talk about shopping, I will dedicate a post just on this when I have time. :)
Mar 18 - went to see the Macs with Florence and family and Jonathan. then went shopping for grocery and food. they came for dinner and I had to prepare dinner for 8 adults and 8 kids in 1-2 hours time. Thank God I made it.
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